Friday, January 14, 2011

the tourist

With my bestfriends, we went to rockwell to catch a movie. we saw The Tourist. we did not let it pass since 2 of the most powerful and beautiful players in hollywood are in this. here's what i think about The Tourist: I kind of liked the Russian mob angle which was highlighted just enough and stops the repetitive torture of seeing Angelina constantly give a stripper-stare to Johnny Depp and all the supporting players. Speaking of the enigma character actor, seeing Depp play a normal role took some adjusting to. Once he is allowed to break out of the restraints of being boring, Depp slowly becomes the main attraction. Overall, The Tourist is a conservative piece that tries to be playful. It was obviously made to be an instant classic. Yet contemporary. One will find moments that are just uneventful. Similar to being on a guided tour. A few stops along the way are worthless but occasionally something interesting keeps your mind involved. Sticking with the guided tour comparison, this movie is more a tour of the plain Australian outback as opposed to the eye-catching ruins of the Romans. Then, we enjoyed the vintage pop of Filling Station in Makati. Vodka+Margarita+Rootbeers. Yeah, just like a tourist.

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