Monday, August 16, 2010

The Expendables

guess i had a good weekend. when i say good, it always include "good food." got the chance to eat in a place i've never been before. it was a chinese small resto over at greenhills. Eat Well! that's the name of the place. a good friend invited us to go with her and let us try a new "chinese food savoir faire." god, did i eat well! tried their braised spinach seafood soup and it was stellar! one of the best spinach soup i had. also the usual dumplings, tofu, etc. but a must-try is their masachi white chocolate (forget to take pic cos literally it was so good).
then, our friend camille sold her "free phone" from smart. clever! (: wish i have that perks too! exciting part ourselves a Moleskine notebook! and hey you fucknuts out there, you don't pronounce it like mole-skin, its mol-a-skeen-a!
lastly, i saw The Expendables earlier today. don't get me wrong, it was a delight to see all the great action heroes of our generation but at the same time, it's a collection of over-muscled actors and expensive explosions in some cheap and exotic location that when you squint, could pass for the jungles of Rambo hehehe that kind of old-school machismo is missing from most modern action movies, and fans of old-school Stallone and Lundgren and company will likely flock to the Expendables with their dads. for me, it's a bloated mess, a bunch of guys past their prime punching and kicking each other and pretending its for our benefit, when its really just one last self-congratulatory hurrah.

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