Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Percy Jackson vs The Wolfman

i wasn't able to blog for the past few weeks because of the cold that i had. but i'm good now. the doctor said twas acute rhinitis. i've learned my lesson now, i should drink lots of fluids and more vitamins. anyway, i'm back to blabber about two films i saw for the past weeks. percy jackson and the lightning thief and the wolfman. for the wolfman, great cast but it's a forgetable good film, well produced with great sound and guaranteed shocks. the director doesn’t take the film anywhere unexpected while the special effects and occasional chase scenes might be enough to pacify the younger crowd, grown-ups will find it curiously bloodless. for percy jackson, though i'm not familiar with these book series, the film's tone is not always certain, but the special effects are as spectacular as and the mythological underpinning more compelling than anything in the harry potter series. yes it's evidently Potter-ish, but unashamedly aimed at younger viewers. sorry mr. jackson, but harry potter you ain't.

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