Thursday, March 12, 2009

summer trip 09

got My ticket 4 next week baybeH! 2 LaLaland..always seem 2 find somewhere 2 land...someone 2 give a hand???..Art Fart..a la carte...always slow...but soon 2 start......up down......around.....keeping the motion...with or without...the help of the is hard....enjoy.......stand alone.....find a diffrent place 2 roam... ride the pork chop express...look the storm in the eye.....and laugh like a pirate.... u never know when u will ba able 2 do it again...ride some hurricane surf... eat a taco from a roadside stand(or not......)take a chance....hahaha i'm just FeeLin fReaKin awesomE :)

Currently listening to: Stomp by BOOMKAT

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