Friday, November 28, 2008
sucker for this song
Sunday, November 23, 2008
on being ME
I’m not easy to break, but i’ve been hurt in the past...i love to be seen but desperately cling to the fantasy of having someone see more than everyone else does. Maybe someday you’ll see me as more than just a quick act of exhibitionism..but until then, i’ll rock your world, i’d like to see you try and work me. Calling me difficult is an understatement. Believe me, it’s got nothing to do with luck, or my mood. If i like you, i like you. I’ll tell you if i don’t..rejection is the greatest turn-on, but playing hard to get won’t get you anywhere. I love a conflicted lifestyle, contradiction and sometimes dysfunction. I’ve never claim to be a saint. I live my life for me, not for you. I live for today not yesterday. I don’t have time for regret. You want to call me an asswhole or a jerk for attention? Go ahead. Judgement is hypocracy, we all have our vices. I fucking LOVE My life. Myself. The rumors are true. Damn! I know what it is to want, have , and lose everything. So see me for the tradegy (you think) I am today. So much more than just a train wreck life. I’ll do shots of whisky on my knees, pulling my shirt back over my head. Give it five minutes till the pants drop again and i find myself secluded with another lost, confused, non-self-respecting slut...I’ll probably forgot your name...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
i went to my friends house and went to a cafe to have a little chat. i was refreshing to talk to someone na meron kayong mapag-usapan talaga. i would've enjoyed our talk more, save for a nasty migraine and some annoying, teenage fag encroaching our personal space. he was talking like crazy as if he was in a mosh pit. i swear i was gonna clock him fucking hard if he annoyed us again.
Monday, November 10, 2008
utterly missed
if only everyone breathes your path, tastes the sparkle as you rise, that glow that bathes us, a sorrow tamer that our dearest moon, always shares its glee to weary mortals missing each other...
tay ii
i'm all weirded out cos sometimes you disgust me and i just have a blank expression on my face.
sound proof
ever walk on a road and in after-hours club full of razor-cheeked, ambiguously gendered, money-flashing Euro-trash kind of feel? that is what i imagine oozing from the sound system...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
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